10 of the Most Bizarre and Hilariously Outrageous Fashion Trends in History That Will Leave You in Stitches

Ilias Ism

Written by Ilias Ism, an author with 10 years of experience in male fashion, specializing in how clothes should fit.

The fashion world has seen its fair share of weird trends over the years. Here are 10 of the funniest and most outrageous clothing styles from decades past.

The fashion world has seen its fair share of weird trends over the years. Here are 10 of the funniest and most outrageous clothing styles from decades past:

1. Hobble Skirts

Hobble Skirts fashion trend from the early 1900s - reimagined
Hobble Skirts fashion trend from the early 1900s - reimagined

This restrictive skirt style from the early 1900s drastically limited a woman's mobility. The narrow skirt hem made it difficult to take anything larger than a baby step!

2. Codpieces

Codpiece fashion trend
Codpiece fashion trend

Popular in the 1500s, these decorated flaps attached to the front of men's pants were meant to accentuate their...ahem...masculinity. The bigger the codpiece, the more macho the man!

3. Chopines


These platform shoes from the 15th-17th centuries helped wealthy women show off their social status, even if they couldn't walk properly. Some chopines boosted wearers up to 20 inches off the ground!

4. Bombasting

Bombastic fashion
Bombastic fashion

Elizabethan-era fashion took padding to the extreme with bombasting. Men and women would wear padded doublets or corsets to create ridiculously large torsos and a "regal" silhouette.

5. Powdered Wigs

Powdered wigs
Powdered wigs

The bigger the better was the motto when it came to these 17th and 18th century wigs. While they helped mask hygiene issues, the gigantic white wigs were rather impractical (and itchy!).

6. Hoop Skirts

Hoop skirts
Hoop skirts

Can't fit through a door? That's the price you pay for fashion! These wide skirts supported by hoops were the height of 19th century style.

7. Shoulder Pads

Shoulder pads
Shoulder pads

One of the defining trends of the 80s, shoulder pads exaggerated the upper body to extreme proportions. Just think of the cast of Dynasty.

8. Parachute Pants

parachute pants
parachute pants

Billowy and baggy, parachute pants were a comfortable fashion craze in the 80s and 90s. The style wasn't very flattering, but at least they were easy to dance in!

9. JNCO Jeans

JNCO Jeans
JNCO Jeans

These 1990s wide-leg jeans took bagginess to new levels with legs wide enough to fit several people in one pant leg.

10. Meat Dress

woman wearing meat dress
woman wearing meat dress

Lady Gaga made headlines with her raw meat dress at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards. Shocking? Yes. Fashionable? We'll leave that up to you!

So tell us, which bizarre fashion trend from the past makes you laugh the most?

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